Helping under-served children, young people and families to Achieve, Thrive and Flourish…

Since 2012, ATF has been working with communities at risk of exclusion across South Essex, UK, to develop safe environments that increase opportunity, aspiration and achievement, as well as positive relationships, enhanced confidence and wellbeing.

Through building a sense of togetherness and enabling life skills through participation in sport, heritage, culture and creativity, we have seen transformational improvements in community and individual resilience and wellbeing, and a reduction in anti-social behaviour in the areas we work.

ATF’s person and community-centred approach quickly identifies the support needed to help participants develop beyond perceived limits and become thriving, active members of their wider community.

We work closely with a broad range of key local partners and community members to develop and deliver fun, inspiring and inclusive activities and opportunities that everyone can benefit from.

Find out more about our charitable objectives here

Find out more about how ATF supports at risk children, young people and families to be all they can be

Joining with the local community to ‘reclaim’ Northlands Park…


ATF helps young people, local residents and stakeholders identify collective strengths, aspirations & opportunities & become drivers of positive change for the whole community

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We support local people to join together and create positive change
